Elevate Your Memory with Short but Challenging Daily Training
Play N-Back Pro to enhance your memory and concentration skills. With this high-intensity N-Back Pro exercise, you can improve your working memory, expand its capacity, and boost your fluid intelligence!
Choose from different types and modes, allowing you to combine them for a unique and personalized challenge |
Tailor your game experience by adjusting the number of rounds, matches, and object display time to fit your desired difficulty level |
Modify the grid’s height and width to suit your needs, and select from various grid patterns to keep your game engaging and visually appealing |
Enjoy playing with different color themes, including light and dark modes, to match your visual preference and enhance your comfort |
With extensive customization options, you can create a game that perfectly fits your cognitive training goals and personal preferences |
Access a statistics dashboard to track your highest level, time spent on games, and average performance trends over time |
View a graph that shows the relationship between your average game level and points earned over the past 21 days, helping you stay motivated and track your progress visually |
Check out a list of today’s games with stats, including time played and points earned, for easy progress review |
This N-Back game is designed to challenge and improve your working memory, but only through consistent effort and dedication will you achieve the results |